
Building a strong brand in a vast sea of sameness.

Launching a new brand in the highly-commoditized nutritional supplement market is like challenging Mr Olympia to a flex-off. If you’re going to do it, you better come correct. Of the hundreds of brands crammed onto GNC’s shelves, only one is championing fitness for everybody and every body.


  • Alignment
  • Positioning
  • Identity
  • Messaging
  • Packaging
  • Standards

Parliament develops directional strategies, brand platforms, and creative executions for companies at critical inflection points.

What we do
The team at Parliament made our brand development fun and easy. We went from a loose concept to a tight brand that hit all the marks. Our regular meetings were among the highlights of each week—the Parliament crew became an important extension of our internal team, and we missed our time together when the project wrapped. We strongly appreciate their thoughtfulness, diligence, and exceptional work. We’ll continue to rely on them as brand experts.
Thomas Moseman Co-Founder Shifted

Calling all gym folk

Contrary to what the competition’s positioning will tell you, people who use supplements do have lives outside of the gym. They have motivations besides stacking plates and getting yoked. Maybe they are working on losing that dad bod. Maybe they lead an ultra-busy life and want to get the most out of every second of their workout. Or perhaps they are just getting into fitness and want to ease their way into things. Shifted is here for all of them.

So, who is Shifted?

As we dove into Shifted’s positioning and identity, we knew we needed to steer clear of neon colors and macho, aggressive design elements. Our audience keeps it classy and has an appreciation for craft and refinement. So, we designing a brand that visually conveys better, not just bigger. To do this, we keyed in on four guiding attributes: handsome, refined, well-rounded, and empowering.

Nutrition for everyday people

Kooky flavors aside, most supplements are pretty much the same. They all say their stuff is the best, they all lean hard into an aggressive, testosterone-fueled aesthetic, and they’re all about getting swole AF. That’s cool and all, but where are the supplements for regular people like you and me?

Standing out on the shelves

In a world dominated by gym rats, Shifted swoops in with a magestic-ass pegasus. To stand apart on the shelves, we designed the packaging to contrast heavily with everything else on the market. The brand is handsome and approachable but not alpha male. We used refined and thoughtful colors and typefaces. Product information is presented in a clean and easy-to-digest fashion. Influences outside of gym culture made their way into the creative process because Shifted’s brand is well-rounded. And we tied it all together with a strong, proud mythical beast, subtly reminding our consumers that anything is possible.

Bringing it all to life

Beyond packaging, we helped Shifted imagine how their brand could communicate the ethos of their new line of supplements to the people. And where do the people spend a huge chunk of their time? Digital and social platforms, of course.

Beautiful, inside and out

Shifted uses only scientifically proven ingredients in precisely the right amounts—no fluff, no filler. We approached their packaging the same way. We incorporated a clean, modern aesthetic with a touch of class in the form of gold foil highlights and pen-and-ink style illustration—sophistication and refinement for a world dominated by sweaty meat.



We worked with artist Ken Jacobsen to refine the magnificent beast until the nostril flare was just right.


Inch biceps

Dr. Adam is walking proof that he knows his supplements.


Holes of golf

And they still managed to squeeze in a Zoom call–that’s dedication.


Competitors analyized

Anyone interested in some pre-owned supplements? Only used once.

Credit where it’s due.

Thanks to the Shifted team for getting us on board early and trusting us to build a truly stand-out supplement brand. Strategy and Identity by Parliament. Illustration by Ken Jacobson. Photography by Branden Leion and Shifted.

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