
Taking cannabis edibles to an all new high.

Wyld currently sits atop the gummy throne as the nation’s most popular brand of cannabis edibles. They asked us to build positioning playbooks for Wyld and its parent company as they race toward national expansion and inevitable world domination.


  • Alignment
  • Positioning
  • Visual Language
  • Voice & Tone
  • Messaging
  • Standards

Parliament develops directional strategies, brand platforms, and creative executions for companies at critical inflection points.

What we do
We’ve been impressed by Parliament’s strategic thinking and planning. Unlike other design agencies I’ve come across, Parliament considers long-term brand strategy and growth.
Christopher Joseph President Wyld
Brand platform

Wyld was popular in right from the get-go, but like many rapidly growing start-ups, their brand was built on the fly. As their business spread from one state to four to twelve to twenty and beyond, internal alignment and clear positioning became critical. To make things even more interesting, they also needed to untangle their values and target consumers from those of their sister and parent companies. So, we dug in, got weird, and nailed down that special something that makes Wyld work.

Product & identity standards

Wyld is instantly recognizable at retail thanks to great packaging by Lucid Designs and beautiful illustrations by Elisabeth Dowle. Still, they hadn’t solidified a design strategy across product lines. To ensure consistency, we analyzed, adjusted, and standardized their identity, packaging, color, and typography.

Collaborating with Wyld’s founders and leadership occurred during freewheeling, early morning meetings. Donuts were always involved. We got to know the people behind the brand as well as the brand itself. As the process unfolded, we saw Wyld as Wyld sees Wyld.


Shops carrying Wyld (and growing)

Currently dispensaries in Oregon, California and Colorado carry Wyld with more states soon to follow.


Dollars of venture funding

Many young companies are eager to suckle on venture capitalism’s teat—but not these guys. Wyld never took a dime. We respect that.


Brands under Wyld's parent company

Man does not live by gummy alone.


Mentions of yoga per meeting

Suburban yogis came up a lot when discussing Wyld's demographic. Like, more than you’d think. Good thing? Bad thing? You tell us.

Ooh baby, baby, it’s a Wyld world

Wyld is crushing it. In the rapidly-changing, ultra-competitive landscape of the cannabis industry, they are thriving amidst the chaos. They have expanded to every legal state in the country and have launched a popular CBD line. Not bad for a couple of home-grown Oregon boys!

Credit where it’s due.

Thanks to the team at Wyld for bringing us along on your quest for world domination. Brand platform, and product/identity standards by Parliament. Original packaging design by Lucid Design. Illustration by Elisabeth Dowle.

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